
ISBN: 978-0-9849245-9-2
Pages: 36
Dimensions: 8 x 10 inches

2013 Gold Illumination Christian Book Award Winner

A Star to Follow

Illustrator: Michael Garman
Format: Hard Cover



This is the ancient tale of Melchior the Prince, who reluctantly pursues a war his father believes to be foretold by an omen. In this war, Melchior loses almost everything and resigns himself to a life of duty and sorrow. After many years, a sign from the heavens once again beckons Melchior. Journeying with his comrade Caspar and enemy-turned-friend Balthazar, Melchior risks all and follows the star, knowing not where it will lead him. What he finds in the simple town of Bethlehem is redemption beyond his deepest hopes.

A Star to Follow

Illustrator: Michael Garman



This is the ancient tale of Melchior the Prince, who reluctantly pursues a war his father believes to be foretold by an omen. In this war, Melchior loses almost everything and resigns himself to a life of duty and sorrow. After many years, a sign from the heavens once again beckons Melchior. Journeying with his comrade Caspar and enemy-turned-friend Balthazar, Melchior risks all and follows the star, knowing not where it will lead him. What he finds in the simple town of Bethlehem is redemption beyond his deepest hopes.


Format: Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-0-9849245-9-2
Pages: 36
Dimensions: 8 x 10 inches

2013 Gold Illumination Christian Book Award Winner

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