A story of courage, tragedy, love, and loss, inspired by a true story of occupied Paris in World War II. Crouched in the bomb bay of an Avro Lancaster, Lillian Jackson wonders why she agreed to this assignment. Since childhood, when her grandmother taught her to speak French and told her stories about Paris, she has wanted to visit the city. Now her dreams are coming true, but not as she imagined. Now she will be parachuting into France to work undercover in the Nazi’s Paris office as a French woman named Lili Villon.
A story of courage, tragedy, love, and loss, inspired by a true story of occupied Paris in World War II. Crouched in the bomb bay of an Avro Lancaster, Lillian Jackson wonders why she agreed to this assignment. Since childhood, when her grandmother taught her to speak French and told her stories about Paris, she has wanted to visit the city. Now her dreams are coming true, but not as she imagined. Now she will be parachuting into France to work undercover in the Nazi’s Paris office as a French woman named Lili Villon.
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