Steve Dekanich is a writer, metallurgical and nuclear engineer, husband, father and grandpapa. Steve’s writings span numerous areas from technical writings and international awards in the fields of metallurgical and nuclear engineering to being awarded First Place in the Nation for Communications by the U.S. Savings Bonds Division of the U.S. Government. Steve wrote a special poem that was used as a Hospitality House team theme for an American Cancer Society Light the Night Walk. A Dove Award winning artist made the poem into a ballad.
From an early age, Steve’s life was wrought with illness and challenges ranging from scarlet fever, 19 recurrences of cancer, losing his first wife to cancer, open-heart surgery, the list goes on and on. Steve’s faith in God and the intervention of several Earth Angels helped him to overcome the trials and move on with his life. He has been able to share his experiences with other people going through similar challenges and helped them through their ordeals.
Steve currently resides in Louisville, Tennessee with his wife Aloysia (Ali).
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